Brew #7: Kotch Rocket Hopped Vanilla Cider
- Got 2.5 gal. of unpasteurized cider from Crane's. Heated up to about 155dF to kill any wild yeast.
- Added priming sugar to bring OG up to 1.050 (12.4 Brix).
- Added in the recommended amount of pectin enzyme and yeast energizer.
- Pitched S-04 at about 105dF (should have been lower but I got impatient).
- About three hours later, it was fermenting like crazy. I added a little less than 1/4 oz. of Nelson Sauvin hops (11.4% AA) and brought it downstairs to hopefully slow down the fermentation a bit.
6/16: Brixometer says 4.6ish, which means the gravity is at .999? Prob transfer to secondary this weekend.
6/17: Took upstairs to transfer. Added 4 tsp. of pure vanilla extract to primary. Transferred to secondary and cold-crashed in fridge.
6/20: Took out of fridge and transferred to tertiary. Gravity is at 4.4 Brix (.998).
6/22: 4.3 Brix (.997).
6/25: 4.0 Brix (.995).
6/26: 4.0 Brix
6/28: 4.0 Brix. Finally completely fermented out. ABV should be 7.4%.
7/5: Bottling day.
- Back sweetened with 3 tsp. of liquid Sweet N Low which was probably 1 tsp. too much, even in my wife's opinion. I guess it could just end up being more of an American style cider, rather than an English style.
- Set aside two bottles (one glass with a crown, and one 12 oz. soda bottle) without priming sugar per Johnny IT's suggestion. Added 1.3 oz of priming sugar to the rest and bottled it in 12 oz. soda bottles and EZ-cap bottles.
7/8: Opened one and it still needs time to carb some more, but it doesn't seem as sweet now.
7/10: Opened another one, and carb is getting there. Put all of the carbed glass bottles in the fridge cuz we're going out of town for the next few days.
7/13: Put the plastic soda bottles in fridge after having the AC off all weekend (it was 82dF when we got home). The carbonation level is perfect.
7/24: Put one of the un-conditioned ciders in the fridge (drank the other one a while ago).
7/26: Drank the still cider today. It tasted like a lot like white wine. It had the tiniest bit of carbonation like some white wines I've had.
8/2: Huge hit at my parents' Coast Guard Festival party. Some of my cousins said that they would pay whatever I asked if I were selling it.
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